Hi! Welcome to Julien Nadeau Carriere's homepage. Please excuse the mess. You can e-mail me at vedge@csoft.net. I'm also active on the LibAgar Discord and the Csoft.net Discord.
- Family Pictures 1 | Astrophotography 1 | Becky | Bounty | Chatte | Cheval 1 | Cheval 2 | Storm | Miscellaneous
My Enterprises
- Csoft.net - OpenBSD/FreeBSD/Linux Hosting Services with Servers in NYC.
- ElectronTubeStore.com - Delivering Materials and Components Worldwide.
Open Source Software
- Agar - Cross-Platform GUI System & Framework | Edacious - Electronics Design Toolkit | FabBSD - 4.4BSD Based Machine Controller OS | CADTools - CAD Toolkit | BSDBuild - Portable Build System | GitHub - JulNadeauCA
Shop Charts and Calculators
- Machining ( Lathe Bits | Depths Threads | Fluids | Bandsaw | Dividing | Milling Cutters )
- Threading ( UNC/UNF | NPT | Metric | JIC/37° | Torque Limits )
- Sheet Metal Work ( Bend Allowances | Sheet Metal Gauges )
- Specs ( Socket Head Cap Screws | QD Pulleys | V-Belt Profiles )
- Wire ( Electrical Resistance | Spooling Ratios )
- Calc ( Milling Speed & Feed | Linear Interpolation )
Shop Gallery
- Vacuum Tube Base Press | Hydraulic Blanking Press | Sheet Metal Work | Ultra High Vacuum | Glassworking Lathe | Grinder | PCB Drill | PCB Fabrication | Milling Machines | Deep Fat Fryer | Dough Sheeter | Vacuum valves | Arc furnace | My Ovens | Casting Aluminium | Casting Brass | Micrurgical lathe | Micrographs: Dumet/nickel | Micrographs: Copper | Chiller mods | Aluminium Chassis | Resistance Spot Welding | Custom-built 2U servers | Tektronix 576 | Height gauge - Starrett #259 | GuiGuang - Factory | BBC Micro | More...
- Links: Tubes.Nekhbet.com | Claude Paillard - Les Lampes Radio | Getter Materials | Frank's Electron Tube Pages | Antique Wireless Association | Induction Heating
Links: Boats
Links: Computing
- BSD: DragonflyBSD | FabBSD | FreeBSD | NetBSD | OpenBSD
- Haiku: Haiku
- Linux: Arch Linux | CentOS | Linux Mint | OpenSUSE | T2SDE | Ubuntu
- Graphics Editors: Gimp | Inkscape | Our Paint
- BBC Micro: Advanced User Guide | Bitmap Graphics | cc65-bbc | ChibiAkumas/BBC | Screen Formats | Small-C for BBC
- C64: C64 Debugger | C-64 Scene Database | cc65 ChibiAkumas/C64 | David Wheeler | Graphic Modes | Mapping the C64 | SID | VIC Programming | VIC-II Article |
- SNES: Zsnes
- GameCube: GC Forever
- Laptops: Framework Laptops | PowerPC | Powerbook G4 | PowerbookMedic | r/thinkpad | Thinkpad | VintageApple
- Adam Younis (web) | Adam Younis (Stream) | Andrea Borman | Code Therapy w/ René Rebe | Computerphile | ExplainingComputers | Fast HSV to RGB Conversion | FreeBSD Handbook | LaGUI | Louis Rossmann | Rossmann Repair | NetBSD Blog | r/freebsd | r/netbsd | r/openbsd
Links: Botany
Links: Caving / Bouldering
- ActionAdventureTwins | CaveChronicles | Caveman Hikes | Flip Notebaert | Funfinding4two | Low Range Outdoors | Overground Underground | Patterdale Mine and Cave | PetroWasHere | Shonky Tours | TAG Caver | UndergroundExplorerUK
Links: Cooking
- Country Life Vlog | Chef Jean Pierre | Gordon Ramsay | Oh Yum with Anna Olson | Relaxing Village Life | Village Cooking Channel | Wilderness Cooking
Links: Machining / Electronics / Tinkering
- Abom79 | Adam Savage | CuriousMarc | Deus Ex Silicium | Doubleboost | EEVblog | Mattias Wandel | Mr. Pete | Shopdogsam | Tinkering with Atkelar | Usagi Electric | VintageMachinery
Links: Space, Rocketry, Astronomy
- Anton Petrov | Astrometry.net | Celestron | Dr. Becky | Fraser Cain | Hubert Reeves - Initiation à l'astronomie | Marcus House | Scott Manley | Sixty Symbols | Universe Today | Vera C. Rubin Observatory
Links: Sumo Wrestling
- Banzuke | Chris Sumo | r/Sumo
- Coop Les Culturés
- Mes Îles Mon Pays
- Nekhbet.com | Nekhbet's Recipes
- International Society for Preventive Oncology | Karakhorum Ventures | Kevin Fox - The Fox Den | Lars Düning | Tim Lambert | TheMajestirium1 | Weston Cann | Wu Yiming - WellObserve
Links: Social
- Csoft.net Discord (vedge@)
- LibAgar Discord (vedge@)
- YouTube Channel (JulNadeauCA)
- Patreon (libAgar)
- Twitter/X (libAgar)
- Archive | Facebook | Soundcloud | LinkedIn